Lectures and Talks
MANDARIN LECTURE SERIES | 藝術相聯中文線上講座 | Museum Operations in the 21st Century
Sat Jan 30, 2021 | 2 PM
Vancouver Art Gallery
[top to bottom, left to right] Lai Hsiangling, Hou Hanru and Zheng Shengtian
溫哥華美術館於2014年10月成立了溫哥華美術館亞洲藝術館(Institute of Asian Art,簡稱IAA)以加深其對亞洲藝術的承諾,建立與個人和社區持續的聯繫。合作夥伴關係是亞洲藝術館的一項基本原則,並為機構相互學習和促進公共交流來提供新的研究、展覽、計劃和機會。
星期六 |1月30日 |下午2點 (太平洋時區 PST) | 11PM (歐洲中部時區 CET)
星期日 |1月31日 |上午6點 (臺北時間 NST)
鄭勝天兼任溫哥華美術館亞洲藝術館總監,現任《典藏國際版》(Yishu: Journal of Con-temporary Chinese Art)總策劃、溫哥華雙年展亞洲資深策展人和美國亞洲藝術文獻庫董事。曾任杭州浙江美術學院(現中國美術學院)油畫系主任,美國明尼蘇達大學和聖地牙哥州立大學客席教授。曾協同創辦溫哥華當代亞洲藝術國際中心 (Centre A), 其策劃與合作的重要展覽包括 “上海摩登”(慕尼黑,基爾,2004)、“藝術和中國革命”(紐約,2009)和“黃燈:中國新媒體藝術”(溫哥華,2012)等。同時,至2009年鄭擔任溫哥華雙年展亞洲藝術資深策展人並因他的策展工作獲得終身成就獎。
目前他的《跨越太平洋》項目探索著20世紀中國與拉丁美洲的文化交流。 2013年由杭州中國美術學院出版社出版了四卷 [鄭勝天藝文集]。 同年,鄭榮獲加拿大艾米莉 · 卡美術與設計大學(Emily Carr University of Art and Design)授予榮譽博士之稱號。
The Vancouver Art Gallery launched the Institute of Asian Art (IAA) in October 2014 to deepen its commitment to Asian art and build a sustained engagement with the individuals and communities that produce it. Partnerships are a fundamental principle of the Institute, as is generating new research, exhibitions, programs and opportunities for institutional learning and public facilitation.
In lieu of on-site programming, the Gallery now streams live and interactive conversations into your homes, featuring guests from local and international arts communities. Everyone is invited to join through the webinar platform, Zoom. Bi-monthly, the Gallery’s Institute of Asian Art presents Yishu Xianglian, a Mandarin-language virtual lecture series.
Museum Operations in the 21st Century
Lecture: Hou Hanru, Lai Hsiangling and Zheng Shengtian
Saturday January 30 | 2 PM PST | 11 PM CET
Sunday January 31 | 6 AM NST
Hou Hanru, Artistic Director of MAXXI in Rome, Italy, Lai Hsiangling, Former Executive Director of Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab / Taiwan Living Arts Foundation, and Zheng Shengtian, Adjunct Director of the Vancouver Art Gallery’s Institute of Asian Art, will discuss professional museum practice in Europe, Asia and North America.
*This talk will be presented in Mandarin with the option of simultaneous translation into English.
Hou Hanru is a curator and critic. Born in 1963 in Guangzhou, China, he received both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and moved to Paris in 1990. He lived 16 years in France before moving to America in 2006. Based in Paris, San Francisco and Rome, he currently works as Artistic Director of MAXXI, National Museum of 21st Century Arts, Rome, Italy. He has been consultant to many international institutions. Among about twenty independent curators in the world, Hou is one of the top curators and thinkers.
For the Venice Biennale, the largest art platform in the world, Hou Hanru curated the French Pavilion in 1999, the “Zone Of Urgency” in 2003 and the Chinese Pavilion in 2007. These exhibitions brought him international recognition in the art world. He also worked as a curator at the Shanghai Biennale in 2000. Hou Hanru co-curated “Cities on the Move” from 1997 to 2000, which involved more than 140 artists, architects and other creators, and toured seven cities around the world, receiving great global attention in the fields of art and architecture.
Lai Hsiangling was the Former Executive Director of Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB) and Taiwan Living Arts Foundation. Lai has over 30 years experience in art curation and management in Taiwan. She received her M.A. in Art History in University of Kansas, and completed a postgraduate course in Museum Studies in George Washington University. She had been Curator in National Taiwan Fine Arts Museum and Taipei Fine Arts Museum, and later on, Director in Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei and Founding Director of Rockbund Art Museum in Shanghai. Apart from that, Lai has extensive experience in management in not-for-profit arts institutions, as Executive Directorof Dimension Endowment of Art and Director of Grant Department of National Culture and Arts Foundation. In 2001, she was granted joint award by National Culture and Arts Foundation and Fulbright Foundation of the United States.
Zheng Shengtian is the Adjunct Director of Institute for Asian Art at the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Founding Managing Editor of Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art and a Trustee of Asia Art Archive in America. He was the Chair of the Oil Painting Department in China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, and a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota and San Diego State University. He was a founding member of the Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (Centre A) and has organized and curated numerous exhibitions, including Shanghai Modern (Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, 2004); Art and China’s Revolution (Asia Society Museum, New York, 2009); and Yellow Signal: New Media from China (Vancouver, 2012). He has been the Senior Curator for Asia of Vancouver Biennale since 2009, and received the Sorel Etrog Lifetime Achievement Award for Scholarship and Curatorial Excellence in 2011. His current project Crossing Pacific focuses on the cultural dialogue between China and Latin America in the twentieth century. In 2013, four volumes of Zheng Shengtian’s selected writings on art were published by China Academy of Art Press. He received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Emily Carr University of Art and Design that same year.