
The Young Activist Reading Club

Sun Jun 12, 2022 | 12 PM - 1 PM

1st Floor Rotunda

Book Tickets

Family Day at the Gallery, February 2022, Photo: Anita Bonnarens

Join us for storytelling and literacy-based learning as part of the Young Activist Reading Club, now offered once a month on Sundays!

Each session, we will begin by reading a new story together. While we read, we will find action words and ideas that connect to our lives and the art around us, beginning an ongoing conversation to reframe history, equity and allyship.

Created in collaboration with the Excellence in Literacy Foundation and I Dream Library, the Young Activist Reading Club aims to boost your child’s confidence in their reading, writing and speaking skills through activities that will improve their vocabulary, comprehension and literacy.

Capacity for this event is limited. The Reading Club will run for one hour from 12 to 1 PM. Registration is required. Please meet the Art Educator in the 1st Floor Rotunda to begin your experience!


On Sunday, June 12, we will read a story taken from the selection in the Young Activist Reading Room, an interactive space created with I Dream Library in response to the new exhibition Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment.

FREE for children 12 and under, when accompanied by an adult. Free for members or with Gallery Admission.

Activities are designed for visitors aged 5- to 12-years-old, but all ages and abilities are welcome to participate.


I Dream Library offers a systemic shift toward equity for Black, Indigenous and Communities of Colour through education. They are Canadian leaders in curating K-12 stories that centre diversity, inclusion and self-love for racialized and marginalized children. Their services include: resources and training for teachers on how to create safer classrooms and consulting on equitable practice for school districts, universities, government, private and non-profit organizations, publishers and community groups. With this community education model, they interrupt the colonial hierarchy of human value and create cultural momentum toward kindness for all.


Young Activist Reading Club Sponsors:

The Excellence in Literacy Foundation R.R. Smith Memorial Fund Foundation